Thursday, March 12, 2009

And now we know...

Madison's handwriting has been atrocious lately and it's been driving me crazy! Every homework assignment has been barely legible. Well, the mystery has been solved because she brought the pencil home that she had been using...

Note the pink standard size pencil. Now look at the pencil she's been using at school! Apparently, it's "cool" to break and then sharpen the pencil until it's the size of a pea. Errrrr that child!


K.M.L said...

My students have been doing that too! Argh! If I see them that small they have to throw it away! You are's so hard to read! Miss you guys!

Katie said...

My students went through that phase every year. Blach.

Melissa Long said...

Justin thought that was hilarious! Oh the things we have to look forward to!

Nicole said...

LOL! My students (1st grade) do that... drives me nuts. We have a mechanical sharpener and it seems that its going non stop. LOL!