Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dad's ankle

Dad's broken and dislocated ankle. Although this picture doesn't do it justice. At least here his ankle is pointing in the right direction!
Just before surgery
Waking up after surgery

Back in March my Dad was playing indoor soccer with Dan and some other guys from church. He severely broke and dislocated his ankle!!! It was awful. A full week went by before he was able to have surgery. Once my Dad's surgeon began the surgery he was shocked at the severity of the break. (It was much worse than even the x-rays showed)It took several plates and 8 screws to put his ankle (lower leg) back together. The was probably worse than the surgery itself!!!! Anyway long story short, fast forward to today, almost 6 months later, my Dad went in for what he hoped was his final visit with the surgeon. After the x-ray was taken Dr. Ambrose came in and told my Dad his break never healed and doesn't look any different than the day of his surgery! My Dad 's an athlete. He loves soccer, softball, snow skiing, hiking, jogging... How can this be? The surgeon says this just doesn't happen. If my Dad was a smoker, drinker, overweight couch potato it might make more sense, but he's not!!! The surgeon and his colleagues were stumped. His only suggestion was to go in and basically redo the surgery. Take out the plates and screws, open up the break, scrape out the scar tissue, put in some bone graph and plate and screw it back together. thanks! Even then the surgeon couldn't say if it would heal or not. I could see the devastation in my Dad's face this afternoon!!! Life's just not fair!!


K.M.L said...

No way!!!! I can not believe after all that its not healed. I feel so bad for him....give him a big hug from us and we will keep him and everyone else in our prayers!! miss ya!

Amy said...

That's so sad! When I read it at first, I thought the first pic sad "Dan's ankle" and then the next pic was of your dad and I thought holy smokes, Dan has aged..... :)

Lisa Kracinski said...

Amanda, could he maybe see another specialist? Is it causing him a lot of pain now? I remember how swollen it was in July! Poor Uncle John!