Saturday, November 22, 2008

Play dough and behavior jars

The girls played really well this afternoon (after a not so great morning). They did play dough for a really long time at the kitchen table!!!! I HATE messes and tried not to freak out considering they had gotten it everywhere. I was recently listening to a family series by Chuck Swindol and he talked about having a creative child (Maddy), but not allowing messes. Creativity and messes go hand in hand so with that in mind I watched as my kitchen and floor turned into a play dough wonderland.
Now I know this isn't a new concept, but I've noticed that I sometimes focus on the girls' bad behavior and not enough on the the good. So I bought these jars and some marbles and whenever I catch them "doing something good" or following directions without a fight, etc. they get marbles put into their jars. When the jar is filled to a certain point they get a prize. It seems to be working really well so far. In fact, that play dough mess you saw...Maddy cleaned up all by herself. I think she knew it would earn her some marbles. ( it worked)
Daddy and Mal clowning around this afternoon. :-)


K.M.L said...

Love the idea of the behavior jars! I'm going to have to remember that one! :) Miss ya!

Jenn said...

I am right there with you on the play-doh mess and how funny is it that I also let my girls play with play-doh this week...two times. I'm really trying to relax and let kids be kids but it seems like I am always cleaning up messes and that's just one mess I have to be in the mood for. It gets stuck to their clothes, their socks since they drop it on the floor and step on it, under their fingernails...need I go on? I love the behavior jars, good idea, I'll have to remember that for another year or two.

Jenny said...

It's good to be reminded to notice the "good behavior". What have you got up your sleeve for a three year old whose ears recently went from "amazing listener" to "practically deaf"! (wink, I saw your recent blog title on Jody's list)