How did I get so far behind?! May is always a busy month for us with both girls playing soccer. Dan coaches them both and this year took the VP position for our soccer club. Naturally, he did a fabulous job, but it ended up taking more time than we thought!
This is Maddy's U8 team. The last game of the season the field was completely under water and the girls were a muddy mess! I had them turn around so I could get a shot of their filthy uniforms. This picture doesn't show it very well. ( I'm actually pretty sure Madison spent more time jumping and splashing in the puddles than she did playing soccer this game)
Coach Dan and his girls
Dan and his U5 team. (Mallory is the one next to him on her knee)
Mallory "schooling" the boys.
The other biggie in May was Mallory's Pre K graduation. Is it possible that my baby is going to be in Kindergarten this fall? Waaaahhhhhh! She (and Maddy) attended a wonderful Christian preschool and I'll miss taking them there. This pic is of Mallory and her teacher, Miss Lori.
Mallory got a scoop of ice cream every time she completed a particular skill ie. writing first and last name, address, phone number, knowing her numbers, alphabet... and at the end of the year if she/they received all her/their scoops the class had an ice cream party to celebrate. Just to brag a little she had her's completed in the first few months of school! :)
Parts 2 and 3 from the month of May to come...hopefully sooner than later.