So about a month ago Maddy discovered that she had a loose tooth. This thrilled her beyond belief b/c she thought she was possibly the only girl in the 1st grade who had yet to lose a tooth. So as many things with Maddy, this tooth became an obsession. "When will it fall out, will it hurt, is it loose enough to pull, what day will it fall out, will it bleed.." and on and on went to questions about he tooth! This morning it was getting pretty wiggly, but definitely NOT loose enough to pull... by the time she got home from school it was dangling out of her mouth. After dinner I gave it a little yank and out it came! Maddy asked if she could take it to school to show her class. I said sure and then she asked if she could wear and outfit tomorrow that matched her tooth....????
13 years ago
Yeah!!! finally! :)
Congratulations! I am not looking forward to that.
Congrats Maddy! Now Cooper must be the last 1st grader to lose a tooth.
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