Today is Maddy's 8
th B-day. My how time flies! This
blond haired, brown eyed beauty has rocked our world from the day she was born. She came out screaming and did so for what seemed like forever. (those of you who had a colicky baby know what I'm talking about) She has more energy than 10 kids put together. Most mornings she's up and "crafting" by 7:00 am. Maddy loves to draw, color, write notes and letters to EVERYONE. We haven't found a sport that she's can't play. While all these are great qualities her Dad and I appreciate her heart for God and her kindness towards others. She's worked hard to memorize Bible verses and (on her own) has learned the Books of the Old and New Testament. :) We are so proud of her and can't wait to see what God has in store for her life as she gets older!

This year we (Dan) made Madison a homemade balance beam. Once completed we realized it would be to long to get it up the stairs and into the playroom. So a 10:00 last night we were pulling it through the 2
nd story window! Wonder what the neighbors thought?

Here's the Birthday girl! More pictures to come...